Student Project Results: VirtualCasino Poker VR
As part of this term's course "Software Project: Mobile and Distributed Applications", yet another virtual reality app has been developed: "Virtual Casino Poker VR" is a classic Poker app (Texas Hold'em) and is meant to be played in conjunction with a VR headset for smartphones (like Durovis Dive or others).
"Virtual Casino Poker VR" has also been released for download on Google Play. The player find himself in a casino room where several tables for different games are placed. In this version of the app, only one poker table is enabled. By approaching that table the user can select to start a fully head-controlled VR Poker match.
This app has been developed by a team of students enrolled in the study programme "Computer Science - Mobile Applications (BSc)" at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Click here to visit the Play Store site of Virtual Casino Poker VR.